Tuesday 4 October 2011

Friensd Meeting in a New WFrorld

Days of joy
when we were young and carefree,
How quickly passed
and flown like a breeze,
And now horizons new
beckon us, one by one
Brief sadness,
yes, for days gone by so fast,
Yet what joy
to meet again
in worlds new,
fresh and bright,
with bodies light,
new vision now,
filling our seeing,
Ah! if only we'd known,
What we could have shown
Of all we had grown
in the secret of our soul
even in the dark days
we could have
caught the raysof that world
that first we knew.

Monday 3 September 2007

Try something you have never tried before

Today is the day you will surprise yourself and everyone else. Today you are going to stand still and listen to yourself and discover what a wonderful world lives in you. Read my previous blog and contact me. Come and learn something so simple a child can do it. But once learned you will make some great discoveries about yourself and the world around you.

Tell me "How much do you care for yourself?" I don't mean how much make-up do you put on? Or what perfume do you wear? These are fine but there is a deeper beauty you need to be in touch with. You will be able to let the world see what a wonderful person you really are.

How many people have told you that you are a wonderful person? How many times have you told yourself? Not many and not often, I guess. Well the good news is that this is all waiting for you as soon as you decide to take the plunge and learn more about the wonderfully gifted person you are. You are reading this blog because you want to find out more. So take the plunge find out more and you will be glad you did. You will also discover the truth that the best things in life are free.

Thursday 30 August 2007

Unbelievable but True

Yes you can be free from fear, anger, worry addictions and you can be free to do what you want and need to do. You can have the confidence and self-esteem you need in relationships or in the job you really want. You can contribute in your way to a better society. You can increase harmony and peace wherever you are, in the workplace or as you travel to and from your home each day. You can release depths of creativity in your life that will amaze and delight you. Your personal life and your business can blossom and you won't need years of therapy and self-development.

You can start with one simple little technique. The freedom and transformation it can bring into your life has to be experienced to be believed. It is as if a whole new world that has always been there has opened up for you. All this may sound airy fairy stuff. Until you try it you will never know. And that is exactly what I did.

For many years I felt that the quality of my life could be much more than it was at that point. I resented having to rely on pick-me-ups of all kinds even simple pleasures to make me feel good. I realized that I had to find some kind of freedom inside myself so so that I could find peace and be and do what I really wanted I never gave up the search. I felt it was something to do with emotions, but I was not sure.

So when I saw and ad for an emotional freedom technique I signed up and took a two day course. From the very begining we began to see the release of emotional blockages, which were affecting people's minds, bodies and lives. Of course it sounds like instant magic and it is in a sense. But it was neccessary to learn and practice the technique.

Having practised this technique for some time with great results I got interested in the whole idea of emotions and energy in the body. I got to know about another tool called EMOTRANCE (Emotional Transformation). This too, taught me to stop and notice what I felt in my body when I was upset, angry, sad or worried. I noticed that when someone said or did something to upset me, it felt like a physical hurt, and yet I had no marks on my body. I realized that what I was feeling was in my spirit or energy body. Each time I used the technique to release the energy blockage in my body I felt as if everything in me was flowing freely. I was able to remember what happened but I could see much more clearly and calmly. I then felt empowered to do something constructive about it.

While our physical injuries may heal quite quickly our spirit or energy body may carry the injury for many years. This can be played like a computer programme over and over in our lives. In order to relieve the pain we can become addicted to all kinds of false 'cures' such as alcohol, drugs, shopping and sex and all the time we are angry and unhappy.

Not only does EMOTRANCE help in healing our energy/spirit, it also brings a trail of other benefits like freedom from envy of those we feel are more beautiful, handsome, rich, talented than we are. We become aware of our feelings. We release any blockage and then we are free to draw what we need for our happiness and well-being from all kinds of unexpected sources. We can touch the well-spring of our lives.

cf. www.emotrance.com/events Margarita or Sonja@excellencewithin.com

About Me

I am a young spirit who loves to roam the interior and exterior world. I love life and people and pray for true peace of heart and in the universe.